Inventory Management
Inter-First Company can help reduce your Company’s costs by providing value-added inventory management services tailored to your specific requirements and program objectives. Our inventory management services include:
- Consignment inventory
- Just-in-time and point-of-use delivery
- Electronic quality certifications
- Bin stocking
- Firm-fixed pricing
All inventory management services use state-of-the-art barcode scanning to track parts, lots, quantities and electronic quality certifications.

Inter-First Company will implement an automated replenishment program using your Company’s forecasted usage quantities and max/min quantity levels to ensure product is on-hand to complete assembly construction.
The inventory management services are designed to:
- Reduce procurement costs
- Reduce product handling costs
- Reduce material handling effort
- Reduce/eliminate excess inventory
- Reduce inbound inspections
- Increase warehouse/assembly productivity
Our kitting sets can help increase productivity for your Company. Whether you need simple kits in labeled plastic bags or more advanced kits with reusable, multi-labeled, segregated plastic boxes, Inter-First Company can provide solutions to fit your needs.
Kits are an excellent solution for these applications:
- Production
- Retrofit
- Repair/overhaul
Kits provide these benefits:
- Eliminate searching for components
- All components included to support an operation
- Alignment with step-by-step instructions
- Order and deliver as one part number
- Simplified Invoicing
- Tailored to customer’s need
- 100% lot traceability for all parts